Art Direction
Creative Direction, Set Design, Assets Acquisition, Vendor Management, Project Management
These photos are a sampling of the shots used for advertising, catalogs, collateral, sales sheets, social media, and websites for various companies.
All food photography for Tyson Foods had been contracted to outside photography studios and food stylists
around the country. Working with our R&D chefs, I was able to bring 80% of the food photography to two
local photography studios. Two chefs and myself attained food styling certification and brought this
service in-house. This allowed us to save money, create consistency that better served the brand,
and be more agile giving the departments greater control over the photography needs.

Actual Tyson Foods Fleet Drivers were photographed in our on-site studio for use in this ad campaign.
Product photos for Stiffel Lamps were taken in furniture stores or on a built set in a studio.
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